Tag Archive for: Guidance

The Journey to Allah Begins

The Journey to Allah Begins and Ends with His Messenger – Shaykh Sulayman Van Ael

Shaykh Sulayman Van Ael invites the audience on a crucial reflection…
calling to good

Etiquette of Social Media – Ustadh Amjad Tarsin

As main tools of communication and connectivity, Social Media…
Ibrahim J Long

My Journey To Light, by Ibrahim J Long

[vc_column][vc_cta h2="Give your zakat or sadaqa today." h2_font_container="font_size:32|color:%23dd3333"…
A Thing For Wine and Men

A Thing For Wine and Men, by Novid Shaid

“What is she looking at?” Lucy’s friends glanced at her…
Bringing God into our Lives

How To Bring God into Our Lives

How do we go about bringing God into our lives? How do we direct…
Poem: Locked Down

How A Satanist’s Unusual Dream Led Him To God

A satanist in a high security British prison had a dream. A stranger…

I Don’t Want My Husband’s Friend to Die as a Non-Muslim. What Can We Do?

Answered by Ustadha Raidah Shah Idil Question: My husband…

Istikhara: The Prayer of Seeking Guidance

Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Question How is Salat al-Istikhara…