Tag Archive for: sunnah

Qad Kafani

The Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ Forbearance, by Imam Khalid Latif

In these dark and confusing times, Imam Khalid Latif reminds…
Zackary King in conversation

On Mosques, Companionship, & Knowledge: Zackary King in conversation

When Zackary King decided to become Muslim after three long years…

How Not To Let Stress Get You Down. Lessons From The Sunna – Dr. Rania Awaad

Ustadha Dr. Rania Awaad guides us through stress reduction strategies…
Channeling Anger for the Doing of Good

The Unconditional Rejoicing of the Believer, by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

One of the most important Prophetic traditions of our religion…
Last Ten Nights of Ramadan

Side Entrance: Why Mosques Are Still Getting It Wrong, by Mona Rahman

Mona Rahman on the consequences of entering mosques through…
They are not our teachers

"They Are Not Our Teachers" – Ustadh Amjad Tarsin

"They are not our teachers"  said Omar Mukhtar, the leader of…
The Prophet's Example of Hope

The Prophet’s ﷺ Example of Hope and What it Teaches Us, by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

The Prophet's ﷺ Example of Hope and What it Teaches Us Capturing…
Ties that bind

Ties that Bind: (30 Days, 30 Deeds), by Shaykh Muhammad Adeyinka Mendes

Ties that Bind: Reconnect with relatives who have become distant (30…
Farewell Ode to Ramadan

What Motivates Someone To Avoid Food And Drink For So Many Hours? Imam Khalid Latif

What seems like hours on end without food and water;  days and…
How is the Prophetic Example (Sunnah) Relevant?

How is the Prophetic Example (Sunnah) Relevant?

How is the Prophetic example (sunnah) relevant and how do you…