Ustadha Shazia Ahmad

January 12, 2021 2 mins

Is It Disbelief To Shun Guests?

Question: I am an introvert, and then I realized how guests are regarded in Islam, because of Allah’s mercy and their rizq (sustenance). I used to think that it was ok to ignore them or hide in a room, but then I realized it is our duty to attend to guests. Also, it is a […]
January 12, 2021 2 mins

Is the Dried Discharge That I See In the Morning Mani or Madhi?

Question: I am a teenage male and often I wake up and see a small white spot (about the size of a dime) near my knee. In addition to this, I see a similar spot near my buttock and another one underneath my thigh. Are they madhi or mani? Could this just be some stain […]
January 11, 2021 3 mins

How Do I Address My Homosexual Feelings?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I am a 27-year-old single guy. I have had homosexual feelings for a long time, which I have kept under control. But for the last two years, I am not able to do that. I understand it is totally wrong, but the feeling is growing stronger. I am really […]
January 11, 2021 3 mins

How Do I Handle My Feelings For My Wife’s Sister?

Question: My wife’s sister and I have developed feelings for each other, and we have been living this secrecy for 3 years. This is affecting my marriage as my wife has suspected this, but we have denied it. I need to do right by both women as I feel my love for my wife has […]
January 11, 2021 2 mins

How Should I Count My Bleeding Beyond Fifteen Days?

Question: A few years ago, I discovered that I had uterine fibroids. These fibroids have since increased in number and size and cause an increase in period heaviness and then spotting. Currently, my period (plus spotting) lasts 17-21 days. When I thought it was all period, I would start praying after day 15. Is this […]
January 11, 2021 2 mins

How Can I Tell My Parents That I Want To Marry a Potential Convert?

Question: I am in a relationship with a Hindu man for a year, and now he is interested in Islam and ready to convert to Islam and practice. I have told my mother about this, and she says that this marriage can not happen because his parents are still Hindu. Although we live in Canada […]
January 11, 2021 4 mins

Why Did My Parents Reject My Potential Suitor?

Question: I am 18 years old, and I want to marry a recently reverted and practising man, whom I believe is the best suitor for me. When my mother found out, she told me if I did marry him, I would never be allowed to go to her funeral, and she will never talk to […]
January 11, 2021 3 mins

Should One Preserve Their Honor and Reputation?

Question: Does one have to protect their honor and reputation? Or should one be careless of others’ opinions and just care what Allah thinks of them? Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Thank you for your important question. The maqasid (purposes) of the Shari’a are the preservation of reputation, property, religion, and life. Some scholars have mentioned more. […]
January 11, 2021 3 mins

Do Women Need To Be Financially Independent Before Marriage?

Question: My mother advises me to not look for marriage until am independent and financially stable. I am currently jobless. I was sure that I wanted to marry a man, but I did not get my family’s support, which really drained me. I feel so bad for the guy, and I do not know what […]
January 11, 2021 4 mins

How Can I Overcome My Traumatic Divorce?

Question: I have been separated from my husband for 2 years, and we have 3 young children. The divorce happened because of an argument between us, but multiple events happened between my mother and his family which lead to a dramatic divorce. My husband is mad because I did not stand by him, and he […]
January 11, 2021 3 mins

Am I Right for Cutting Off My Sister’s Family?

Question: My family and I are Muslims alhamdulillah. My younger sister got involved with a non-Muslim man and married him in the US courts. My parents accepted it, but I refused this and tried to convince her otherwise. I asked scholars for their advice on the situation in the beginning, but nothing has worked. It […]
January 9, 2021 3 mins

How Can I Convince My Parents to Accept My Desired Spouse From a “lower caste?...

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I told my parents who I want to marry, but they immediately rejected him because he belongs to a lower caste. My grandparents spoke to him and his parents and then tried to convince my parents. My mother said that the guy’s family is from the same city as […]
January 9, 2021 2 mins

Should I Tell My Husband That I Am Attracted To Other Men?

Question: I sometimes get feelings of attraction for other men besides my husband without any bad intention, which leads me to feel extreme guilt. Should I tell my husband about them? Is it his right to know? Is it considered cheating? Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Thank you for your question.   Attraction The attraction between the […]
January 9, 2021 3 mins

Are We Allowed To Ask Anyone For Help Other Than Allah?

Question: I have seen in some translations of the fifth verse of Sura al-Fatiha the following: “You ˹alone˺ we worship and You ˹alone˺ we ask for help.” Does that mean we cannot ask other people for help, or does this mean that we only make dua to Allah? Answer: Assalamu alaykum,   Asking For Help […]
January 9, 2021 4 mins

What Can I Do About Parental Abuse?

Question: I am having difficulty concentrating on my studies because of parental abuse. It has completely damaged me, and it makes me feel to seek revenge against my parents who ruined my life. It is mentally and emotionally affecting me and my studies to a point that I want to either commit a homicide or […]
January 8, 2021 2 mins

What Should I Do If I Cannot Find a Suitable Wife In My Area?

Question: I need nasiha (advice) on getting married. I am in an area where it is predominantly Salafi, and very few Muslims follow a madhhab. The only ones who do are foreigners, and they will not consider me because I am African American. I am working, and I have my own small apartment. I have […]
January 8, 2021 3 mins

How Do I Tell My Parents That I Am Not Ready For Marriage?

Question: I am a 24-year-old girl living in Nepal. I am about to finish my graduation, and I am planning to get a job here. My parents are from Bangladesh, and they keep talking to me about marriage. Right now I do not want to get married, but they are saying as a Muslim girl […]
January 7, 2021 3 mins

Can a Married Man Have Close Female Friends?

Question: What is classed as adultery, and is it ok for a husband to have close female friends, even if the wife disapproves? How should I deal with this situation? Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Thank you for your question. This sounds like a very frustrating and annoying experience for the wife, and I pray that you […]
January 7, 2021 1 min

What Is the Ruling Of a Virtual Sin?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question Would it be permissible to possess, buy, or sell a virtual pig, drug, prostitute, or promote LGBTQ? What is the status of a virtual action like the consumption of alcohol or pork, performance of magic, illicit sex acts, public nudity, murder, or worshipping an idol? Are actions performed within […]
January 6, 2021 2 mins

How Can I Convince My Fiancé That Looks Are Not Everything?

Question: I have met a girl whom I did not like at first, but over 8 months she has demonstrated to me that she is not spoilt and materialistic. We decided to keep it halal, and our nikah is soon. But while I love her and am able to look past her physical appearance, she […]
January 6, 2021 3 mins

What Ruling Applies To Someone With Flatulence Issues During Prayer?

Question: I have been struggling to focus properly during my salah due to flatulence issues. I think it is an anxiety-related IBS. I doubt whether my salah is valid, and it causes a great amount of stress. The minute I enter into salah my stomach starts cramping, and I feel the urge to pass wind. […]
January 6, 2021 3 mins

How Can I Overcome My Hatred for My Uncles’ Wives?

Question: I am 19, and I live in a joint family system with 15 people. My father’s elder brother’s wife exploits my mother, and his younger brother’s wife does not do anything about it. That is why I hate both of them. The more they exploit my mother, the more I hate them. What should […]
January 6, 2021 3 mins

Can I Wear Make-Up Even If My Husband Tells Me Not To?

Question: I have been married for six years and have two young children. My husband is too controlling and has called me a prostitute and a disobedient wife for wearing light makeup. He forbids me from wearing makeup, just light enough to cover blemishes, in public and at home. His brother and his wife have […]
January 6, 2021 3 mins

Is It Sinful To Stop Cooking For My Husband?

Question: Does a wife have to cook for her husband if he verbally insulted her despite her cooking for years? She has decided not to do any housework because he does not appreciate anything, and he constantly says that she does not do anything. Is it sinful that she stopped cooking? Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Thank […]