Ustadha Shazia Ahmad

November 6, 2020 2 mins

Validity of Prayer

Question: Is Valid My Prayer If I Repeat a Verse of the Fatiha Because I Mispronounce One Letter? Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Thank you for your question. The hadith that you refer to is the following: The Prophet, may Allah bless him and give him peace, said, “There is no Salat for the one who does […]
November 6, 2020 1 min

Is It Permissible to Become a Beautician?

Question: Is it haram to go into a career in the beauty industry? This involves doing hair, makeup, waxing eyebrows, doing nails, and fake eyelashes. Answer: Thank you for your question. Details of your question are answered in the link below. The short answer is yes. A woman is allowed to beautify another woman to earn […]
November 5, 2020 5 mins

Anxiety Regarding Missed Prayers

Question: I suffer from extreme anxiety regarding missed prayers. If I ever miss a prayer, even a recent one, I get extreme anxiety about death and the hellfire. This has had a bad impact on my life. I struggle with prayer as it is, this just makes life harder. My heart gets palpitations like a […]
October 31, 2020 3 mins

I Am Not Physical With My Girlfriend, Is This Ok?

Question: I am currently in a relationship with a girl. I have never had lust or urges for fornication towards her. I know that I am in a haram relationship, but why does Allah make it last this long? Does this mean that He is blessing this relationship or that he wants me to end […]
October 31, 2020 1 min

Recording a Scholar Without Permission

Question: In the past, I have sat in semi-private and private gatherings with a well-known Sheikh. I recorded these meetings without notifying him. Have I done wrong here and should I delete these files? Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Thank you for your question. It is not permissible for you to record someone’s audio or video in a […]
October 31, 2020 3 mins

Is It Permissible to Read the Mawlid and Ask for the Prophet’s Intercessio...

Question: I wanted to know about the relevance of mawlid (birthday) of our beloved Rasoolullah (saw). What about the usage of words in manqoos mawlid such as “anta munjeena ghada” -“you are my saviour tomorrow” and “shafa`atuhu hab lana” – “bless us with the intercession”.  Answer: Assalamu alaykum brother, Thank you for your question. Manqoos mawlid […]
October 31, 2020 3 mins

Can Muslim Women Wear Tight Jeans and Tight Dresses at Home?

Question: We aren’t allowed to wear clothes that are similar to the clothes of the opposite sex. In that regard, is it allowed in the Shafi`i school to wear tight-fitting jeans and shirts at home or tight fitted dresses? Answer: Assalamu alaykum. Thank you for your question. What is obligatory to cover How a woman […]
October 31, 2020 2 mins

I Made Promises to God That I Can’t Keep

Question: I made promises to Allah to stop doing some negative things, like not watching TV, not reading newspapers, and not reading novels. It has become somewhat difficult for me to keep up with these. So should I keep them? Or what should I do? Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Dear questioner, thank you for your question. Please […]
October 31, 2020 1 min

Is My Irreligious Husband Halal For Me?

Question: I am married to a revert. He only prays on Fridays and fasts Ramadan when well. Is he haram for me because he doesn’t pray five times daily? He prays only Maghrib in Ramadan. He finds reading the Qur’an very heavy. Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Valid marriage Thank you for your question. It is valid […]
October 31, 2020 3 mins

Marrying Someone Older

Question: I like a man who is 7 years older than me. I want to marry him because I don’t want to interact with him knowing my feelings for him. He also has an attachment towards me but he feels that it will not work out between us. Neither parent will accept him and he […]
October 31, 2020 2 mins

Can A Father Refuse To Meet A Suitor For His Daughter?

Question: Can a father refuse to meet a potential suitor for his daughter? I am interested in marrying a woman who is of a very pious background. I asked her directly if she is interested in meeting me for marriage and she wishes to do so. However, after asking her father, he refused to meet […]
October 30, 2020 3 mins

How Do I Approach My Father Who Watches Pornography?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question Growing up, my father watching porn created fights between my parents. My mom despised it especially when we would find out. My father asked me to set some things up for the house via the Internet on his phone. In doing so, I saw several disturbing porn pages that […]
October 30, 2020 2 mins

Will Certain Etiquettes During Intercourse Shape One’s Future Children?

Question: 1. Is it true that if a couple talks during intimacy, their child will be born deaf or dumb? 2. Is it true that if a man looks at the private part of his wife during intercourse,  it will weaken the eyesight and memory of the husband? Or will the child have a vision […]
October 30, 2020 2 mins

How To Deal With a Dua Made Against You

Question: What should I do if my husband prayed to Allah that my daughter and I die? Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Thank you for your question. I am very sorry that you are under such stress from your own husband. I pray that you can both resolve your issues and treat each other with kindness, protection […]
October 25, 2020 1 min

Is My Dawn Prayer During Which Sunrise Occured Valid?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question If Fajr ends at 7:45 a.m, and I begin praying at 7:43 and finish at 7:45, is my prayer valid? Answer Yes, your dawn (fajr) prayer is considered valid as for the current performance, according to the Shafi`i school, although you incurred the sin (haram) of praying it partially […]
October 23, 2020 2 mins

Is Mastopexy Permissible?

Question: I’m 21 years old and my breasts sag and I think it’s because of my natural weight loss or not wearing the proper undergarment. They are a huge source of insecurity for me and they contribute to my lack of self-confidence and psychological distress for me. I’m not married yet but I worry that […]
October 23, 2020 2 mins

Understanding the Answer to My Istikhara

Question: A guy proposed to me and I don’t like him because he has an anger issue. But my parents insisted, especially my mother. I was told to obey so I gave my consent and continued praying for khair. I did istikhara countlessly. He sent his father’s cousin and his boss to meet my dad, […]
October 23, 2020 2 mins

My Husband Impregnated Another Woman

Question: I have been married for three and a half years and have no children. My husband has committed zina behind my back for over 2 years. Now the woman has said that she is pregnant with his child. He is slightly doubtful as we don’t have children and are not using contraception. He has […]
October 23, 2020 2 mins

Hijab and Abaya In Hot Weather

Question: In hot weather being fully covered in abaya and scarf gets too hot. It is difficult to find thin material sometimes, and sometimes thin material may be thin but isn’t cool. So what can we Muslim sisters wear? Can we reveal forearms or dip our legs up to our calves at the beach and […]
October 23, 2020 2 mins

Can I Ask My Brother to Help My Non-Muslim Girlfriends?

Question: Would it be sinful for me to ask male relatives to interact with my non-hijabi or non-Muslim female friends? An example would be to ask them to drive my friend around to an event that’s not necessary (such as a party). They’d be in a situation of sin if they were to look at […]
October 22, 2020 2 mins

How Can My Husband and I Should Split Time Between His Parents and Mine?

Question: When we visit our parents we spend half the time at his parents and half the time at mine. That upsets his parents. They want us to spend the entire time at their place, and that I just visit my parents during the day. Can you please advise us? Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Thank you for […]
October 17, 2020 3 mins

Confused After Breaking-up With My Boyfriend

Question: I am a 24-year-old girl who was in a haram relationship with a boy for a year and then broke up with him. There is much guilt inside me, how can I move on? I know I wronged my future spouse. I want to break all attachment to this fellow because he is not […]
October 17, 2020 4 mins

My Husband Is Too Strict About My Clothing

Question: I had a nikah recently and we have not moved in together because we are finishing school as we are both relatively young. When we first met, my husband was laid back, but with time, he became stricter and controlling. My clothing and hijab did need improvement and my husband forced me to change […]
October 17, 2020 3 mins

Sorrow Over Sexual Misdeeds

Question: When I was about 7, I visited overseas on my yearly vacation, there my male cousin, showed me a video and told me to imitate it. After that, every summer, we ended up having oral and anal intercourse, not sex. This Ramadan my Lord guided me and I repented.  I thought I had committed […]