Tag Archive for: Proper manners

Uncertain if items in my possession belong to someone else
Uncertain if items in my possession belong to someone else

Was My Nikah Performed Over Text Message for Fun Valid?
Question: I used to talk to a boy over text messages. We (unintentionally…

Is it permissible to gather for remembrance? What are the etiquettes of the gatherings of remembrance (dhikr)?
Question Summary
Is it permissible to gather for remembrance?…

Repenting from Phone Sex
Question: Is phone sex a sin? How can one repent from it?

Does Breastmilk Produced Through Artificial Means Bring Shari’a Rulings Into Effect?
A one-year-old baby was given breastmilk that came…

What Should One Do If They Have a Crush On Their Teacher In a Madrassah?
Question: What should one do if they have a crush on their…
What Does Islam Say About Wasting Food?
Question: When breeding fish, can I kill ones that are not genetically…
Should I Return To My Wife Who Refuses To Admit To Her Mistakes?
Question: I am not happy with my wife since she is not at all…
Is It Permissible To Breastfeed My Child During Intimacy With My Husband?
Question: Assalamu 'alaykum. Is it permissible to continue having…
How Can I Cope with My Abusive and Condescending Mother?
Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad
My question is regarding…