Tag Archive for: seeking knowledge
The Myth of Islam’s Golden Age
Catch yourself thinking wistfully about Islam's golden age? In…
Damaged Inner State? Imam Ghazali on Repentance
Ever felt broken inside, so badly you wondered whether you'd…
“I Love Being a Woman!”
Away from 'celebrity scholars', Mahdia Sarfaraz identifies several women…
"Is it Eid yet? A Fun and Educational Countdown for Kids"
Growing up in a sleepy English countryside village, we had to…
Never an Empty Shell: The Purpose of Guidance
Islam is a difficult word for many to grapple with these days.…
Seeking Guidance Online in the Land of the Prophet’s Birth
Brother Abdullah Ibn Zubair Buhaini was born to a family of scholars…
A Ragged Shirt and Toast Crust: Raising Successful Children
We want to give our children the best that we can give them. But…
My Mother Does Not Want Me to Read up on Death and Judgement Day – Is It Haram for Me to Disobey Her?
Answered by Ustadha Raidah Shah Idil
Question: My mom doesn't…
Who Should We Learn Religion From?
Shaykh Faraz Rabbani answers the question: who do we take knowledge…
Are My Previous Prayer Accepted Despite Past Mistakes?
Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam
Question: Assalam 'aleykum.