Ustadha Shazia Ahmad

December 19, 2020 2 mins

How Can I Advise My Friend?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question If I advise one of my friends to do something (worldly) which has no benefit in the world and the hereafter but may simply make him or me happy while knowing something similar is better, will I be betraying him? Answer Thank you for your question. I don’t think […]
December 15, 2020 1 min

Does Pre-ejaculate Break The Fast?

Question: Does pre-ejaculate break the fast? Answer:In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful, Assalam’aleykum, I pray this finds you in the best of states. Jazakum Allah khayr for your question! No, the exiting of pre-ejaculate (madhi) does not break one’s fast if it happens outside of sexual intercourse. As for sexual intercourse that […]
December 12, 2020 3 mins

Parents Rejecting The Man I Love Due To Ethnicity

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I want to get married to a converted man that I love. If my parents disapprove because he’s not Pakistani, can I still marry him since, in Islam, there is no racism due to ethnicity? Also, if they don’t have a valid reason to reject him, such as his […]
December 12, 2020 3 mins

Marrying Someone Who Wanted To Marry Someone Else

Question: I have received a marriage proposal and I have accepted it for the sake of my parents’ happiness as he is the son of my father’s colleague. Also, his family had proposed to another girl who rejected him. Now that he is proposing to me, I just feel like a substitute because his family […]
December 11, 2020 3 mins

Secret Nikah

Question: I love a girl and we both have the same goal to get married and have a family according to Islam. We are both happy with each other but our parents say we are too young to marry.  We want to make Allah happy and help each other become better Muslims. Can we perform […]
December 9, 2020 3 mins


  Question: I have an addiction to something haram. I have tried to quit cold turkey in the past but have failed and relapsed. My new method is a gradual reduction until I completely stop. One of the conditions of repentance is to resolve never to return to the sin. When I am repenting, I […]
December 2, 2020 1 min

Making a Bun or Ponytail

Question: I know that tying one’s hair into a camel bump is haram. But is wearing your hair in a bun at the top of your head when at home haram? It’s easier to handle especially when I’m showering or going to the bathroom. My mum also wears her hair like this when she sleeps. […]
December 2, 2020 4 mins

Converting To Islam

Question: I am a woman who is looking to revert to Islam soon but I have some questions: 1. I know Muslim women who wear hijabs and long tops or dresses. Is it obligatory to cover below the waist and if so to what extent? 2. Is the celebration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday allowed […]
December 1, 2020 3 mins

Setting Boundaries With Siblings

Question:  Recently, my brother-in-law brainwashed my sister to block me, cut all ties with me, and she says she no longer wants to speak to me. Recently when he argued with me, I lost my cool and answered back, which I regret now. Since then, my sister and I drifted apart, and now she is […]
November 28, 2020 2 mins

Why is Sexting Haram?

Question: I know that sexting is haram (exchange of indecent photos). As for the written messages, they are sexually explicit where people imagine having sex. I understand that these are haram when done out of lust towards a non-mahram. What if someone exchanges these sexually explicit messages without any lust, how do we prove it […]
November 28, 2020 3 mins

Cosmetic Surgery for Insecurities

Question: I am 21 years old and I’m very insecure about my nose, causing me psychological distress and negatively affecting my social life. I don’t leave my house because of it, and I don’t even make eye contact with my own family. I avoid all socializing. My family says that my nose isn’t bad and […]
November 27, 2020 3 mins

Marrying Someone Other Than Parent’s Choice

Question: I have been suffering from family problems since 2016. My parents and siblings don’t understand what I want. My mom wants me to marry someone I don’t want. She urges me all the time. I don’t have anyone close to share my problem with. I always feel lonely and depressed. I have seen one […]
November 27, 2020 3 mins

Marrying a Non-Muslim Interested in Islam

Question: I am 23 years old and am interested in marrying a non-Muslim who is currently studying to convert to Islam. My mother is however against it and I am not sure what to do. My father does not have objections but he is non-Muslim. Can I marry without my mother and with my father […]
November 27, 2020 2 mins

Reading the Qur’an Without Tafsir

Question: Can one read the Qur’an without using a tafsir? Is it necessary to use a tafsir? Do you have a recommended tafsir to use as a layman? Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Thank you for your question. It is utterly key that Muslims read the Qur’an and understand its meaning. Otherwise, how can it be the […]
November 27, 2020 5 mins

Mispronunciation of the Fatiha

Question: I am a non-Arab who has OCD. After learning that mistakes in the Fatiha can invalidate salah, prayer is a burden and I get waswasa to stop praying. I spend about 10 to 12 minutes to pray my fard. I repeat many words of the Fatiha. My letter `ayn is not very good, does […]
November 27, 2020 3 mins

Doubtful Earnings for Nikah

Question: I met a brother via a matrimonial website. It later transpired that this brother is related to a sister I have known for years and I even had his number via work but had never met or spoken to him. I don’t want to tell my parents that I met him online but don’t […]
November 25, 2020 2 mins

Responsibility of the Milk Mother

Question: I nursed a friend’s child for about a month while she worked. Her mother was nursing and had to work and she refused the formula, so she told me to go ahead and nurse her. Years passed and her mother asked me to be sure I nursed her daughter enough times to make me […]
November 25, 2020 3 mins

Seeking Refuge in Allah From Worrisome Thoughts

  Question: I frequently have negative thoughts; like someone will harm or do magic on me and those around me. Because of this, I am unable to concentrate on my work; I wonder if someone has done magic on me. Over the years, I have developed a habit of saying “Auzubillah” {just Auzubillah, and not […]
November 23, 2020 3 mins

My Non-Muslim Parents Want Me To Marry a Non-Muslim

Question: Idolatrous parents don’t approve of their daughter’s marriage because her suitor doesn’t believe in idol worship. Instead, they want her to marry an idol-worshipper. She does not currently believe in idol worship and believes firmly in Almighty God. What should she do in light of the Quran and hadith? Answer: Assalamu alaykum, Thank you […]
November 23, 2020 3 mins

Telling My Parents About My Boyfriend

Question: I’m in a true relationship with a person for the past 8 years since our student days. We both are honest and true for each other. We want to make our relationship halal and for that, we need more time because he is not settled financially yet. I am getting many marriage proposals and […]
November 21, 2020 3 mins

How to Deal with Feelings of Discharge While Praying?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I come from an irreligious family; how can I change them? Also, I have a lot of vaginal discharge so I always use the bathroom before I pray and wash off any discharge and change my panty liner. But then when I’m praying I feel a little wetness and […]
November 21, 2020 2 mins

Can Women Have Multiple Husbands in Paradise?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I can’t help but be frustrated as a woman who struggles with lowering my gaze and having a strong desire for multiple men. I strive for the sake of Allah not to do anything haram. I am troubled that a lot of scholars say men only have these struggles […]
November 21, 2020 3 mins

Accepting a Proposal

  Question: A guy from back home requested my hand in marriage. I spoke with him over the phone and did istikhara. After reading a Seekersguidance article about marriage, his name came up. I thought it was a good sign, but I still said no. Then I felt I made a mistake and prayed to […]
November 21, 2020 4 mins

Marrying My Boyfriend

Question: I was born and raised in UAE and lived there for 14 years with my family and then we shifted back to Pakistan. Now that I am 18, my family is planning to shift back to the UAE. I have been in a relationship for 3 years here and when I told him about […]