168-The Blameworthy Trait of Being Lazy and Its Cure- Shaykh Muhammad Badhib

In this podcast Shaykh Faraz Rabbani continues with the text, “Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure” (‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha) by Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami (died 412 A.H.). This work deals with states of the self, and how to rid oneself from blameworthy traits. In this episode, Shaykh Muhammad BaDhib discusses the blameworthy trait of being lazy and its cure. The cure is knowing the command is from Allah Most High. One should let the happiness that one is fulfilling the command of Allah to resonate in one’s heart.

In the Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers. The text covered in this episode is Imam Abu Abdulrahman al-Sulami’s “ Blameworthy Traits and Their Cure”(‘Uyub al-Nafs wa Mudawatuha). The texts in the Rawha will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.

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