Futuwwa (Spiritual Chivalry): Introduction – Shaykh Yahya Rhodus

In this series of lectures, Shaykh Yahya introduces Futuwwa, roughly translated at “spiritual chivalry,” as set forth by Imam Muhammad ibn al-Husayn al Sulami (d. 412 AH, 1034 CE) in his book Kitab al-Futuwwa. In Part I, the concept of Futuwwa is thoroughly explored by reviewing how many spiritual giants of the past defined it, culminating with a comprehensive definition by Imam ‘Abdallah ibn Alawi al-Haddad (d. 1132 HA, 1720 CE). Shaykh Yayha discusses how Futuwwa is a way of being that can bring back virtue to the modern world.

You were listening to Al-Maqasid podcast powered by SeekersGuidance global. The Maqasid (purposes) that are foundational to life of the believer are (1) Knowledge, (2) Devotion and (3) Service. It is through these purposes that we are able to truly fulfill our duty on Earth. Join us on this podcast as we explore these purposes which carry the meanings of the Prophetic inheritance.


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