The Force of Faith

Everybody seems to be looking out for number one. Narcissism. Consumerism. The Me Generation. But we all know great things never came from people who were just concerned about themselves or their little patch of ground.

The true force for change is service. Service to others. Service to community. Service because we can be greater and more blessed than we are. It’s a force of faith. In this timely message, Shaykh Walead Mosaad explores the spiritual roots of service and the Prophetic call that should ignite a new generation into action. Government’s can talk “big society”, people of faith do it and make real change happen.

Our thanks to The Radical Middle Way for this recording. Shaykh Walead Mosaad is a scholar in residence at Sakina Collective. Visit their Facebook page and Soundcloud.

Photo by Akash Malhotra.