042 – Connecting with the Qur’an | Dangers of Forgetting | Recitation of the Prophet | Reverence for Knowledge


In this episode, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani covers hadiths sixteen to twenty from Imam Nabahani’s set of hadiths on the virtues of the Qur’an and its recitation. Hadiths sixteen and seventeen highlight the importance of reviewing and having a regular connection with the Qur’an. Here, Shaykh Faraz explains the personal and communal levels of this responsibility. Hadith eighteen highlights the enormity of forgetting a verse of the Qur’an; Shaykh Faraz explains the difference of opinion regarding what is meant by “forgetting” in this hadith. In hadith nineteen, we learn that one who recites the Qur’an and then forgets how to recite will meet Allah Most High in a crippled state. In hadith twenty, we hear about Umm Salama’s description of the recitation of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him). Shaykh Faraz then continues the section on venerating knowledge and its people from Imam Zarnuji’s “Instruction of the Student”. Here, we learn about the importance of venerating knowledge and wisdom, even if one has heard the same thing multiple times. We also learn that the student should consign the matter of what to study to their teacher, and Shaykh Faraz expands on the dangers of self-directedness. In addition, Imam Zarnuji indicates where one should sit in relation to their teacher, and the importance of vigilance for the seeker of knowledge in avoiding blameworthy character traits.

In the Daily Rawha, Shaykh Faraz Rabbani will be covering Daily Guidance for Seekers, beginning with two texts:

(1) Imam Zarnuji’s Guidance for Seekers of Knowledge Regarding the Ways of Seeking Knowledge (Ta`lim al-Muta`allim Turuq al-Ta`allum); and

(2) Imam Yusuf al-Nabahani’s beautiful collection of 40 sets of 40 Hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

The texts will be read in Arabic, translated, and commented upon briefly. This class is of benefit both for committed students of knowledge—particularly given the reading in Arabic—and for those simply seeking daily guidance, reminders, and inspiration in learning to live the light of Prophetic guidance.