Run a Business Islamically: Women and Trade

Running a business in accordance with Islamic principles is a fundamental concern for Muslims in the modern world. This is the fourth in a series of articles from Running a Business Islamically.

Historically, Muslim women, such as our mother Khadija, while upholding modesty, prioritizing family, children, etc, engaged in trade. They engaged in economic activity which gave them financial strength. This enabled them to give in charity, to spend in the way of good. To pursue the good of this life and the next.

One example is the wife of our master Abdullah ibn Mas‘ud (one of the most learned of the companions). Abdullah ibn Mas’ud was of the Scholar Companions. He was fully dedicated to the Quran and the understanding of the Quran. He was also of the jurists of the Companions.

He was extremely poor, at least at that phase in his life. His wife asked the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), “O Messenger of Allah, if I give my charity to Abdullah ibn Mas‘ud, will I have reward for it?” 

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) honored the Companions by giving the capacity to make enlightened choices. He (Allah bless him and give him peace) said:

“You will have twofold reward. You will have the reward of charity and also the reward of strengthening your ties.”

There are many manuals written on the fiqh related to women. Most of these manuals include sections on commercial transactions, financial transactions, contracts, partnerships, and investment. Only a foolish person would act in a way that is disadvantageous to them. 

So this is something to think about. One should look to inculcate this in our children, to have an entrepreneurial spirit. not a worldly entrepreneurial spirit, but in pursuit of the good of this life and the next.