Can a Muslim Woman Be a Fashion Model
Assalamu alaykum,
Thank you for your question.
It is, in and of itself, permissible for a woman to become a female fashion model if she is covered properly and does not advertise the impermissible and is not involved in the impermissible during the process. She would have to fulfill all of the conditions of clothing: 1) that they are loose, 2) that they are not transparent, 3) that they cover the nakedness and 4) that they are modest.
See the details here:
There is a valid and strong opinion that photography is permissible, see the details here:
The reality of modeling
Although we can deduce that taking a photo of a covered Muslim woman can be permissible, one should consider a great many other factors when choosing such a career path.
- One would be putting oneself in the spotlight which contradicts the very modesty and simplicity that Islam teaches us.
- By openly exhibiting one’s beauty to the public, men would see her, when they should be lowering their gazes. Why should she be associated with their sin?
- Modeling might entail her husband’s displeasure, which would render her modeling sinful if done without his permission.
- Many view this career path as tactless and undignified, as one is flaunting one’s beauty just to advertise consumerism and material gains. Modesty and restraint are considered the higher ground.
- Using a woman’s looks and measurements as the basis of her livelihood puts her in a position of disgrace and lack of honor. A woman’s beauty was never meant to be displayed to promote purchases, especially for a tube of toothpaste or a bar of soap. A woman has been given a high degree in Islam and she should honor that rank by choosing her actions carefully.
In conclusion, if it is possible to model the right way, for very modest Islamic clothing companies or Turkish religious brands, perhaps even without showing the face, one would be in a much better position, but rarely does this industry get it right, so I don’t advise it. May Allah help you make the best decision and give you the best in this world and the next.
Anas ibn Malik reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “Whenever there is modesty in a thing, it adorns it. Whenever there is indecency in a thing, it debases it” [Albani].
[Ustadha] Shazia Ahmad