Rabi Al Awwal 1442 Greetings


Rabi Al Awwal 1442 Program: Perfect Mercy


Let us rejoice and commemorate the month of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad’s arrival (peace and blessings me upon). Allah Most High has bestowed upon us another opening to remember our Master. Seize this opportunity to fill the mind, heart and soul. 

SeekersGuidance has woven together an online program, beaming with scholars, educators and artists from around the world. Every night, starting from the 18th of October – continuing till 29th of October – come together to learn about our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

Each session is dedicated to a role he embodied during his life. A unique focus every evening on his role as a father, as a neighbor, as a husband and many more. 

We will be joined by renowned scholars, leading educators and creative artists from around the world, including SeekersGuidance internal scholars. The sessions will feature short lessons, Qur’anic recitation, poetry and devotional songs.

Guests include Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, Shaykh Amin Buxton, Dr. Hisham Hellyer, Ustadha Zaynab Ansari, Peter Sanders, Dr. Ahmed Keeler, Baraka Blue, Ali Keeler and many more…


Register for the Perfect Mercy event (click here)


Prepare for Rabi Al Awwal

Get to know our Master Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

We are honored to have Ustadha Zaynab Ansari as one of our esteemed guests for the Rabi Al Awwal program – Perfect Mercy. In this video, she introduces who the Prophet was and his role in Islam.

Send Blessings Upon our Beloved

When we send blessings (salawat) upon our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), it has immense benefits in this life and benefits in the next life. Dr. Hisham Hellyer shares a detailed description of the benefits of keeping our tongues bejeweled with remembrance of the Prophet. 

Dr. Hisham Hellyer will be one of the key scholars of the Perfect Mercy program.

His Blessed Names

One way to know the Prophet is to study his beautiful names. Listen to beautiful praise on the Prophet (salawat) by Ali Keeler who will be part of SeekersGuidance upcoming event: Perfect Mercy. 


Believers around the world unite globally to celebrate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. We can welcome this month by praising him through poetry. One such poem, and one of the most notable expressions of love for the Final Messenger of Allah, is the Qasida Burdah by Imam al-Busiri.


The Qasida Burdah – Stunning Praise of The One Who Deserves Praise

When historians study the Burdah, it is very quickly realised that it is the most influential popular and single poem in the history of any language. There is simply no other text that has been translated into so many languages in a way that penetrates the heart and the soul of the community of Islam. 

– Dr Abdul Hakim Murad

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani explains the poem in this lecture: A beautiful expression of love for our Beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). 

Mark your calendars and let this Rabi Al-Awwal warm your hearts with the remembrance of the Final Messenger of God.

Register for the Perfect Mercy event (click here)