Unite for Yemen | As a collective body we come together


Unite for Yemen

The Situation:

Years of conflict have forced millions to leave their homes and it estimated that some 80 percent of the population – 24 million people – are in dire need of humanitarian assistance. Agencies are calling this the “worst humanitarian crisis in the world,” (UN, 2020).

Countless airstrikes have killed innocent men, women and children. There are over 2 million cases of cholera. Two in three locals can’t afford to buy food. Half of the country is near starving, and the onset of COVID-19 has placed even greater pressure on an already flailing health care system.

The Response:

Aid agencies on the ground are working to assist communities, but limited resources and global attention mean that substantially more funding is required.

As a collective body, Dar al Quran, Mukha Cafe, New Beginnings, Peace Meal, Seekers Guidance & Wayfarer’s Lantern have come together to Unite for Yemen. We are urgently seeking to raise funds to assist in a range of projects to be implemented including:

  • Distributing food packs;
  • Distributing hygiene packs;
  • Providing medical aid; and
  • Establishing water wells.

Click here to support us and Unite for Yemen.