Human Potential: True Devotion to God

Human Potential: True Devotion to God

By Shaykh Yusuf Weltch

This is the third of a series of articles by SeekersGuidance internal scholar Shaykh Yusuf Weltch on human potential. Shaykh Yusuf poses thought-provoking ideas about what humans are capable of; both success and destruction. We aspire to have a true devotion to God, but are left bewildered as we try and reflect on what true devotion is. When the desire of Allah enters one’s heart, what is the correct response?

The scholars tell us that the path to Allah Most High, the spiritual journey of purification, is defined as ‘true devotion to God.’ One could bring their mind to exhaustion in deep reflection of such a concise yet profound definition. True devotion to God. Does this mean that one could be untrue in their devotion? If that is so, then the importance of the heart’s role is manifest. The heart is, as you very well know, the place of truthfulness. 

The idea of truthfulness entails great meaning, easily expressed but, indeed, challenging to adopt. True devotion demands that the journey be made on Allah’s terms, not ours, for there are many who selfishly worship Allah the way they want to worship Him. This is not truthfulness. This ego in the guise of piety. If truthful devotion is to worship Allah in the way by which He is pleased and with those deeds pleasing to Him, there is no journey – in that case – without knowledge. Knowledge of that which is pleasing to Allah and by extension, that which is displeasing to Allah so one can be mindful not to draw upon themselves the Divine displeasure.

Knowledge of the limits of Allah Most High holds no benefit if not coupled with commensurate action. Otherwise, such knowledge would not only be void of benefit but may be used in exposing such a person’s false claim of true devotion on Judgment day. Knowledge and implementation, like the two wings of a bird soaring toward the heavens, must both exist in synchronicity fueled by the deep yearning of the heart for a reunion with Allah. A real trifecta. Mind, body, and soul. To worship Allah with all that makes us us. The congruence of human reality with the reality of its ultimate purpose.

In contrast, though, what a loss, what a loss indeed for the one who lacks any desire for their Creator, knows not of His greatness nor that which draws down His good pleasure, and moves not a muscle in His way. Could one really be so blind to think that this beautiful creation exists for any other reason? For play? For frivolity? Is that what some have convinced themselves that life is. Allah Most High says, “Those blind ˹to the truth˺ and those who can see are not equal, nor are those who believe and do good ˹equal˺ to those who do evil. Yet you are hardly mindful.

After a realization like this comes to one’s heart, one must respond to it. It is in essence another of Allah’s invitations to us to turn to Him, truthfully, in devotion. Our response, however, should be one of true humility. If you find yourself of those who do desire Allah, you must know that your desire is a blessing from Allah Himself and His bestowing of it to you, as opposed to others, is of His own discretion and mercy, not because you deserve it. If however, you find yourself lacking desire, you must turn inwardly in the arraignment of your soul. Tell it, ‘What are you seeking?! Created things?! Or the Creator of all things?! Material possessions or Divine reunion?! 

Thus for each is their task. Each must hold themselves accountable, beseech Allah with brokenness and humility, and strive. What a solace it is that Allah Most High tells us, ‘I am as My slave thinks of Me.’ Have a good opinion of Allah. Had He not wanted you, you would not be thinking of Him now. Had He not wanted you, He would have made you content with depravity and spiritual bankruptcy. However, He is showing you how to get to Him and has promised you He will take care of you on your journey. The path awaits. Will you answer the call and set off on your journey?

About the Author

Shaykh Yusuf Weltch is a teacher of Arabic, Islamic law, and spirituality. After accepting Islam in 2008, he then completed four years at the Darul Uloom seminary in New York where he studied Arabic and the traditional sciences. He then traveled to Tarim, Yemen, where he stayed for three years studying in Dar Al-Mustafa under some of the greatest scholars of our time, including Habib Umar Bin Hafiz, Habib Kadhim al-Saqqaf, and Shaykh Umar al-Khatib. In Tarim, Shaykh Yusuf completed the memorization of the Qur’an and studied inheritance law, legal methodology, hadith methodology, Qur’anic exegesis, Islamic history, and a number of texts on spirituality. He joined the SeekersGuidance teachers team in the summer of 2019.

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