Check Up on Your Neighbor – Prophetic Guidance

Wisdoms from the Prophet as a Neighbor

Neighbors are an extremely important relationship to uphold as a Muslim. In amidst a global pandemic, we must ensure that we are looking after ourselves but also our community. This session was dedicated to discussing the Prophet Muhammad as a neighbor (peace and blessings be upon him). Let us use this blessed month to improve our conditions by connecting with the Best of Creation.

This session was the fourth day of the Rabi Al Awwal online program – Perfect Mercy – where scholars and artists around the world commemorated our Beloved Messenger and explored his many roles.

Ustadh Mohammed Tayssir Safi reminds us to strive to be the best in all of our roles, with a great opportunity to connect with our neighbors. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had excellent treatment of his neighbors, despite their treatment of him. He gave them food, visited them, and was kind to them. He reminds us that we will be accountable over what we have direct control over. And thus it should receive that amount of attention. Give attention to that which is within your sphere of control – starting with those that are nearest to you.

The Prophet attached treatment of neighbors to faith itself when he said,  “Whoever believes in the Day of Judgement, let him not harm his neighbor…” (Bukhari).

Practical tips included: send a meal to your nearest neighbor or send them a gift. Try and connect with them, especially the ones nearest to you in physical proximity. Watch the full video:


Watch the full program from day four.