
Infertility: Widespread but Largely Unaddressed by Muslim Communities

An estimated 250,000 Muslims women in countries like the USA, Canada, the UK and Australia suffer from infertility. Research shows it can be extremely stressful and can lead to depression, which in turn worsen the chances of becoming pregnant.

“Infertile? Just relax, and it will happen”

Studies have been done into the effects of infertility amongst Christian and Jewish communities but for the first time, a major study will be conducted amongst Muslims. Mona Elgohail is a Clinical Psychology PhD student and researcher at Drexel University. She is conducting a research study using an online survey on the impact of faith on the mental health and coping of Muslim women experiencing infertility.

  • Watch her video
  • Be one of the 200 women to participate in the 20-minute online survey
  • Donate to the Launchgood campaign for the first ever Muslim Fertility Project
  • Like the Facebook Page spread the word!