women's islamic scholarship

Urgent: Help Us Raise $200,000 for Women’s Islamic Scholarship!

Less than two days remain to raise USD 200,000 for women’s Islamic scholarship! Watch Shaykh Faraz Rabbani’s appeal below.

Supporting Women Scholars Is A Necessity

SeekersGuidance Global Islamic Seminary recognises the urgency of preserving and promoting female scholarship. Women have always been key to the preservation of the Prophetic Call—including the contributions of jurists, historians, and protectors of the traditions of our beloved Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. It is imperative that we support female scholarly voices who are experts on dealing with women’s issues in Fiqh, Islamic social sciences, and more.

In our societies, there is a lack of institutions and institutional funding for women’s scholarship. Reviving Women’s Islamic Scholarship is our effort at addressing this issue.

Unfortunately, less than half of the funds have been donated so far – a sad reminder of how little support is available for female seekers. This campaign is Zakat eligible and we urgently need your help in order to make it a success.

Your charity and Zakat donations can help as follows:

  • Helper – $30 can help buy groceries
  • Supporter – $50 can help buy study materials
  • Sponsor – $250 can buy key reference books
  • Champion – $500 can help pay for tuition and tutoring
  • Companion – $1,000 can help pay for essential family expenditure
  • Protector – $5,000 can help pay rent for more than one month
  • Leader – $10,000 can help provide long term security

How You Can Help:

  • DONATE – Spend your charity and Zakat in this urgent and worthy cause. Give generously, and be assured that even the smallest donation—with sincerity—can amount to great impact.
  • SHARE – Please share this campaign with family, friends, and your community. Ask those you know—with your own personal appeal—to support this campaign.
  • MAKE DU’A – Success is only from Allah Most High, so your dua’s are of immense value. May Allah reward you with that for which you ask and even more, Ameen.

Click here to view the campaign and to donate!