Is it Permissible to Have Sexual Intercourse During Pregnancy?

Answered by Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra


Is it permissible to have sexual intercourse with one’s wife during pregnancy?


Yes, it is permissible for husband and wife to have sexual intercourse during pregnancy, as long as there is no reasonable fear of harm to the mother, fetus, or the pregnancy in general. [Tahawi, Sharh Ma‘ani al-Athar] Be sure to speak to her doctor for specific medical advice if there is any doubt, given that every pregnancy is different.

Also, one should observe gentleness and caution and always consider the state and well-being of the wife. Pregnancy may require one to reduce the frequency of intercourse, avoid certain positions, or avoid causing undue fatigue or pain. Through respectful dialogue and empathy, a happy medium can often be found.

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Indeed, Allah loves gentleness in all matters.” [Bukhari]

[Shaykh] Abdullah Anik Misra
Checked and Approved by Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat

Shaykh Abdullah Misra was born in Toronto, Canada, in 1983. His family hails from India, and he was raised in the Hindu tradition. He embraced Islam in 2001 while at the University of Toronto, from where he completed a Bachelor of Business Administration. He then traveled overseas in 2005 to study the Arabic language and Islamic sciences in Tarim, Yemen, for some time, as well as Darul Uloom in Trinidad, West Indies. He spent 12 years in Amman, Jordan, where he focused on Islamic Law, Theology, Hadith Sciences, Prophetic Biography, and Islamic Spirituality while also working at the Qasid Arabic Institute as Director of Programs. He holds a BA in Islamic Studies (Alimiyya, Darul Uloom) and authorization in the six authentic books of Hadith and is currently pursuing specialized training in issuing Islamic legal verdicts (ifta’). He holds a certificate in Counselling and often works with new Muslims and those struggling with religious OCD. He is an instructor and researcher in Sacred Law and Theology with the SeekersGuidance The Global Islamic Seminary. Currently, He resides in the Greater Toronto Area with his wife and children. His personal interests include Indian history, comparative religion, English singing, and poetry.