Doing deeds for Allah

Assalam alaykum wa rahmatullah
Dear questioner,
May Allah bless you and increase you in good.


Sincerity is essential and a condition for deeds to be accepted by Allah.
” Though all they are ordered to do is worship God alone, sincerely devoting their religion to Him as people of true faith” [Quran 98:5]


When you begin any action, intend to do that for the sake of Allah. Afterward, if any thoughts come that this is not for Allah or that your good deed lacks proper intention and starts it again, avoid it. That is most likely from the devil attempting to tire you so you can leave good deeds altogether.
You do not need to repeat such deeds. Rather, try to keep good company and have a schedule to learn Islamic law (fiqh), which will help you determine which good deeds may need to be repeated.
One of the great West African scholars, Muhammad Mawlud recommends the following for attaining sincerity when one has thoughts of ostentation;
(1.) Recite surat al Ikhlas 3 times. (2.) recite dua sayyidi istighfar (3.) recite the following dua 3 times in the morning and evening
اللهمَّ إني أعوذُ بك أنْ أُشرِكَ بك و أنا أعلمُ ، و أستغفرُك لما لا أعلمُ
See the following links, which are also beneficial for further reading.
Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani