A Woman Regularly Has Periods Lasting Longer Than 10 Days.

Answered by Ustadha Maariyah Lateef
A woman regularly has periods lasting longer than ten days. Can she take the opinion that the maximum length of a period is 15 days?
Thank you for your question.
In the Hanafi school, there is a consensus that the maximum length of a period is ten complete days (Kasani, Bada’i al-Sana’i). In the Shafi’i school, however, the maximum length is considered to be 15 days.
If a woman often has periods lasting longer than ten days, it would be perfectly fine to begin following the Shafi’i school with regards to matters of menstruation. It would not be blameworthy to take from another school in these circumstances because one is doing so in order to avoid a hardship.
If one plans to take this opinion of a 15-day maximum, however, it is important for them to make sure they are in total compliance with the Shafi’i school in all matters relating to menstruation. A woman would need to make sure she learns all rulings regarding what is permissible and impermissible to do during her period, how to make ghusl when her period is over, whether to make up certain prayers and fasts and any other pertinent issues.
As an example, if maghrib prayer begins at 7 pm and a woman’s period begins at 7:30 pm. Still, she did not pray maghrib yet even though she had enough time; she would need to make up this prayer when able according to the Shafi’i school, but not according to the Hanafi school.
I pray that Allah facilitates your journey in learning these rulings and places baraka in your life for your care in doing so.
And Allah knows best.
[Ustadha] Maariyah Lateef
Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani