Can I Give Salami to Non Muslims?

Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Can I Give Salami to Non-Muslims?

Shaykh Faraz, quoting the principle “Anything not permissible to do is not permissible to give,” will provide insight into this matter and elaborate on its broader application.

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, a distinguished scholar in the Islamic sciences, is the Founder and Executive Director of SeekersGuidance. He studied under renowned scholars globally for ten years, beginning in Damascus and continuing in Amman, Jordan. Notable mentors include Shaykh Adib al-Kallas and Shaykh Hassan al-Hindi. After completing his studies, Shaykh Faraz returned to Canada in 2007 and established SeekersGuidance, dedicated to spreading reliable, relevant, and inspiring Islamic knowledge online and on the ground.