How Do I Redress Wrong from Stealing?

Shafi'i Fiqh

Answered by Shaykh Muhammad Carr


I was reading about correcting stolen items and tawba. I understand we should give them back anonymously. I’m nowhere near the place, so I have emailed them to pay back the food I stole.  What should I do to set things right? Thank you, and may Allah bless you. (It’s not a Muslim company if there would be any difference in approach)


In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate.

You should certainly pay back the food that you stole. Stealing is a major sin for which repentance is obligatory. May Allah reward you for your keen desire to repent from the utter depths of your conscience (tawba nasuha).

When a sin involves the rights or property of others, one must absolve oneself of the rights of the person/s affected. [Nawawi, Sahih Muslim]

Suppose it is impossible to return stolen items or their equivalent value to their rightful owners. In that case, they should be given to charity, considering that the owner reserves the right to demand repayment despite the charity. [Nawawi, Rawda al-Talibin]

Mercy of Allah

Do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Allah Most High says, “O My servants who have committed excesses against their very selves, despair not of the mercy of Allah: Verily Allah forgives all sins soever: Truly He is the All-forgiving, the All-compassionate.” [Quran, 39:53]

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “The one who repents from sin is like one who never sinned.” [Ibn Maja]

Non-Muslim Company

It is not permissible to deceitfully acquire wealth belonging to a non-Muslim. Harmonious co-existence and civilizational development are premised on trust (amana). These trusts must be honored, regardless of whether the intended recipient is Muslim or non-Muslim. Appropriating others’ wealth is only justified under specific circumstances and requires clear justifications. [Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Fath al-Bari]

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said to a companion guilty of treachery before accepting Islam, “As for your Islam, we accept it, and as for the wealth, it is obtained through treachery, and we have no need of it.” [Abu Dawud, Sunan]

For more, please have a look at the following links:

How to redress wrong from stealing

Is it permissible to steal from non-Muslims

I pray this is of benefit, that Allah guides you and accepts your repentance.

[Shaykh] Muhammad Carr

Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Muhammad Carr has dedicated his life to studying and transmitting our beautiful deen. His studies have taken him around the globe, where he has benefitted from many luminaries. Under the guidance of his teachers – Shaykh Taha Karan, Shaykh Yaseen Abbas, Shaykh Muadh Ali and many others – Shaykh Muhammad has grown to appreciate the beauty and benefits of diverse scholarship. He completed his memorization of the Qur’an at Dar al-Ulum Zakariyyah in September 1997 and received an Alimiyya Degree in 2006 from DUAI (Darul Ulum al-Arabiyyah al-Islamiyyah). He is also affiliated with Masjid Auwal in Bo Kaap, Cape Town (the oldest mosque in South Africa), where he serves as a co-imam, and Dar Al-Safa, where he has taught since 2018. As a teacher, he imparts the wisdom of our heritage and tradition by opening the door for students. As an imam, he has the unique opportunity to serve his community in daily life.

In addition to his roles as a teacher and imam, Shaykh Muhammad Carr has contributed significantly to the administrative and advisory aspects of Islamic institutions. Since 2023, he has served as the Administrative Director at The Imam Kurani Institute, contributing to the institution’s growth and development. He continues to pursue traditional Islamic Sciences, possessing a keen interest in Islamic Contract Law and Finance. Shaykh Muhammad has been a Shari’ah Board Member for Islamic Asset Management & Insurance Companies since 2001, aligning financial practices with Islamic principles.