Is It Permissible for My Wife To Breastfeed Openly in Front of Our Adult Son?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad


Is It Permissible for My Wife To Breastfeed Openly in Front of Our Adult Son?


Assalamu alaykum,

Thank you for your question.

Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam elucidates the permissibility of breastfeeding in front of her adult son from the details given below:

“The Awra of a woman in front of her Mahram men (those with whom marriage is permanently unlawful), such as the father, brother, son, paternal uncle (father’s brother), maternal uncle (mother’s brother), father-in-law, grandson, husband’s son (from another marriage), son-in-law, etc. consists of the area between the navel and knees, and also the stomach and back.

Thus, it will be permissible for a woman to expose the following parts of her body in front of Mahram males: head, hair, face, neck, chest, shoulders, hands, forearms, and legs from below the knees. It will not be permissible to expose the stomach, back, or any area which is between the navel and knees. (See: al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, 5/328 & al-Hidaya, 4/461).

This ruling is based on the verse of the Qur’an in Surah al-Nur:

“They (believing women) must not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband’s fathers, their sons, their husband’s sons, their brothers, their brother’s sons, their sister’s sons or their women…” (24-31).

It will also be permissible for a Mahram to touch those parts that are permissible to expose in front of them, provided there is no fear of temptation or desire.

Imam al-Quduri (Allah have mercy on him) states: “There is nothing wrong in touching those parts that are permissible to see” (Mukhtasar al-Quduri).

However, it should be remembered that if there is a fear of temptation (fitna), then it will be impermissible to expose these parts even in front of Mahrams; neither will it be permissible to see or touch those areas of a Mahrams body. (See: al-Lubab fi Sharh al-Kitab, 3/218).“

The above excerpt is taken from this link:


If you are uncomfortable with what she does, you should communicate that to her, but there is no need to make a big problem out of it since it is not haram. Focus instead on helping her study Islam, develop her deen, and instilling the love of Allah and His Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) in her heart. If you tell her gently and genuinely, she will be more apt to listen.

My advice to her is that she should ponder these Prophetic hadith, “There is never any obscenity in a thing, but it mars it, and there is never any modesty in a thing, but it adorns it.” [Ibn Majah]

It was said, “O Messenger of Allah, what type of wife is best? He said, ‘The one who makes (her husband) happy when he looks at her, and she obeys him if he instructs her to do something, and she does not do anything with regard to herself or his wealth in a manner of which he does not approve. ‘”[Musnad of Ahmad]

May Allah give you the best of this world and the next.
[Ustahda] Shazia Ahmad

Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Ustadha Shazia Ahmad lived in Damascus, Syria, for two years, where she studied aqidah, fiqh, tajweed, tafseer, and Arabic. She then attended the University of Texas at Austin, where she completed her master’s in Arabic. Afterward, she moved to Amman, Jordan, where she studied fiqh, Arabic, and other sciences. She recently moved back to Mississauga, Canada, where she lives with her family.