How Does Good Character Impact Inviting Others to Islam?
Answered by Dr. Muhammad Fayez Awad
What is the role of adhering to good morals in inviting others to Allah?
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. Blessings and peace be upon the Master of the Messengers, his Family, and all his Companions.
The Noble Task of Calling to Allah
The most honorable task Allah grants a person is to become a caller to His path. This is because the role of inviting others to Allah is a noble honor that was carried out by the prophets and messengers. They devoted themselves to conveying Allah’s religion to people in every time and place, as commanded by Allah (Most High):
“Say, (O Prophet,) ‘This is my way. I invite to Allah with insight—I and those who follow me. Glory be to Allah, and I am not one of the polytheists.’” [Quran, 12:108]
Importance of Good Character in Da‘wa
A person who calls others to Allah must embody a set of ethical and behavioral qualities that represent the morals of Islam. Good character is one of the most beautiful traits a caller (da‘i) can possess, and it is the shortest path to people’s hearts. In fact, good character itself is a form of da‘wa (invitation to Islam). Allah (Most High) praised His Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) for his noble character, saying:
“And you are truly (a man) of outstanding character.” [Quran, 68:4]
Essential Qualities of a Caller to Allah
Among the most important of these morals are:
Honesty and Trustworthiness
Before his prophethood, the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) was known by the people of Makka as “the truthful and trustworthy.”
Honesty and trustworthiness are intertwined virtues that involve being conscious of Allah in speech, action, and intention. These qualities encompass every aspect of life, in dealings with both Allah and people. A caller to Allah cannot succeed in their mission without these traits, as they carry immense meanings and noble attributes.
Humility and Forgiveness
These two qualities have a profound impact on how people perceive the caller and how they accept the message. Humility and forgiveness stand in contrast to arrogance, pride, and vanity. They reflect gentleness, leniency, and forgiveness for others’ mistakes. Allah commanded His Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) to adopt these qualities: “So by mercy from Allah, [O Muhammad], you were lenient with them. And if you had been rude [in speech] and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from about you” [Quran, 3:159].
Kindness, Gentleness, and Compassion
The caller must be kind, gentle, and compassionate toward those being invited to Islam, enduring any difficulties or hardships that arise from the process of da‘wa.
This is especially important when dealing with those who are new to the faith, as these qualities help soften their hearts, making them more receptive to the message.
Genuine Concern for Others
The caller must sincerely wish for the good of others and guide them towards it. Allah (Most High) says:
“There certainly has come to you a messenger from among yourselves. He is concerned by your suffering, anxious for your well-being, and gracious and merciful to the believers.” [Quran, 9:128]
Leading by Example
A key trait that the caller must possess is leading by example in both word and deed. The caller must be a good role model, embodying the teachings they preach. This is achieved through obedience to Allah’s commands and avoidance of His prohibitions.
Allah (Most High) says about the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), who is the leader of all callers:
“O Prophet! We have sent you as a witness, and a deliverer of good news, and a warner, and a caller to (the Way of) Allah by His command, and a beacon of light.” [Quran, 33:45-46]
Engaging with People’s Realities and Showing Empathy
The caller must live within the realities of the people they are inviting, understanding their circumstances and experiences. This empathy includes sharing in their joys, sorrows, hopes, and pains, ensuring that the invitation to Islam is relevant and appropriate to their needs and conditions.
Praying for Those Being Invited
This noble quality stems from a love for Allah. The caller should make a habit of praying for the guidance and success of those they are inviting, asking Allah to grant them steadfastness, success, and righteousness. This sincere prayer strengthens bonds and fosters mutual love among hearts.
May Allah make us among those who guide and are guided, and grant us the ability to follow the example of the greatest of all callers, our Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace).
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.
[Shaykh] Dr. Muhammad Fayez Awad
Shaykh Dr. Muhammad Fayez Awad, born in Damascus, Syria, in 1965, pursued his Islamic studies in the mosques and institutes of Damascus. A graduate of the Islamic University of Medina in 1985, he holds a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from Bahauddin Zakariya University in Pakistan.He has extensive experience developing curricula and enhancing the teaching of various academic courses, including conducting intensive courses. Shaykh Awad has taught Fiqh, Usul al-Fiqh, Quranic sciences, the history of legislation, inheritance laws, and more at several institutes and universities such as Al-Furqan Institute for Islamic Sciences and Majma‘ al-Fath al-Islami in Damascus.He is a lecturer at the Sultan Muhammad al-Fatih Waqf University in Istanbul, teaching various Arabic and Islamic subjects, and teaches at numerous Islamic institutes in Istanbul. Shaykh Awad is a member of the Association of Syrian Scholars, a founding member of the Zayd bin Thabit Foundation, a member of the Syrian Scholars Association, and a member of the Academic Council at the Iman Center for Teaching the Sunna and Quran.Among his teachers from whom he received Ijazat are his father, Shaykh Muhammad Muhiyiddin Awad, Shaykh Muhiyiddin al-Kurdi, Shaykh Muhammad Karim Rajih, Shaykh Usama al-Rifai, Shaykh Ayman Suwaid, Shaykh Ahmad al-Qalash, Shaykh Muhammad Awwama, and Shaykh Mamduh Junayd.