Who Has the Right to Name the Newborn?

Shafi'i Fiqh

Answered by Ustadh Farid Dingle


Who has the right to name the newborn?


Thank you for your important question.

May Allah reward you for your important question, and may He bless you god-fearing children with beautiful and inspiring.

The right of naming of the child is that of the father. (Nihayat al-Muhtaj, Ramli; Minah al Jalil, Illish; al Insaf, Mardawi) 

This is because the father is the default guardian. Custody/Guardianship would then go to the mother, so she would be next in line. (Nihayat al-Muhtaj, Ramli) The child’s father’s mother would only become the guardian in very rare circumstances.

There is of course a difference between exercising one’s God-given right, and being considerate and inclusive. One may well find that letting the mother-in-law name the child would build a connection between the two that could never have been established otherwise. I speak from a similar experience.

I pray this helps.

[Ustadh] Farid
Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Ustadh Farid Dingle has completed extensive years of study in the sciences of the Arabic language and the various Islamic Sciences. During his studies, he also earned a CIFE Certificate in Islamic Finance. Over the years, he has developed a masterful ability to craft lessons that help non-Arabic speakers gain a deep understanding of the language. He currently teaches courses in the Arabic Language.