How Do I Cope With the Constant Hardships and Challenges in My Life?

Answered by Ustadh Abdullah Anik Misra

Question: I’m friends with a family who are going through extreme hardships in life right now.

The husband will probably lose his job soon.  He has a lot of debt due to being laid off in the past while dealing with family medical issues.  His parents live with him and both of them have debilitating health problems.   He also has health problems and can’t exercise as a result.  The entire family seem to be very good, concerned Muslims who are active in the Muslim community.

Are there some daily practices that they should do to relieve them of their hardship?

Answer: Wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

I pray all is well.  Thank you for your question, and your concern for your friends.

What is happening in your friends’ lives right now are tests from Allah Most High.  When Allah loves someone, He tests them- so give them glad tidings of Allah’s love for them.  Even the most beloved of creation to Allah, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), went through very hard trials.

Alhumdulillah, you mentioned they are practicing, conscientious Muslims.  Thus it might be too much to advise them to take on extra spiritual works or extra charities given their burdens, if they are already reading the Quran and doing some dhikr by day and night, and giving regular charity – even if little.

While outward works are important, the inward states are their secret.  Pray 2 rakats of shukr each night, thanking Allah for the still-many blessings He gave.  Express neediness to Allah constantly.

Practice being content with His decree and not complaining, even to oneself.  Know with firm belief that the help of Allah is ever near, and after every hardship, comes two eases.

Finally, as their friend: don’t offer help, just do it!  Make them food; babysit their kids; drive their dad to the hospital; leave money anonymously.  Those watching others in hardship are in just as much of a test.

May Allah Most High make it easy for them, and for all the Muslims suffering in the world, Ameen.


Abdullah Anik Misra

Checked & Approved by Faraz Rabbani

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