What is the Hanafi Position on Performing the Qunut al-Nazila (Calamity Supplication)?

Hanafi Fiqh

Question: What is the position amongst the Ahnaf regarding the Qunoot Nazila?

Answer: In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Walaikum assalam,

The Qunut al-Nazila (calamity supplication) is only performed when some calamity or affliction strikes the Muslims.  It is done in the fajr prayer, after rising from ruku`, ideally without raising one’s hands. In such a qunut, one would say amin quietly (without raising one’s voice).  It can be conducted in congregation or alone.

However, if the imam recites the qunut in fajr for other than an affliction or calamity (which would be known by the type of dua he normally makes in it), or if he recites the qunut al-nazila in other than the fajr prayer, one neither raises one’s hands nor says, “Amin,” because he is doing something that has not been established from the practice of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) and the evidence would indicate the qunut being limited in such cases to the fajr prayer in times of calamity or affliction. [mentioned by Ibn Abidin, Hashiya, and the proofs are thoroughly discussed in Allama Zafar Usmani’s I`la’ al-Sunan]

Note, too, that one is supposed to take into consideration the differences of opinion of other schools only if it does not mean doing something disliked (makruh) in one’s own school, even if it is only somewhat disliked (makruh tanzihan). [mentioned by Ibn Abidin]

