Are Miracles Proving Prophethood Necessarily True?

Answered by Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat


What is the rational proof that a miracle that proves prophethood must indicate truth and not be from an advanced alien civilization conveying both true and false teachings as part of Allah’s will



The rational proof that the miracle that proves prophethood also proves the existence of a being who affirms the truth of the claim of the Prophet (Allah bless them and give them peace). This being must be true in this, otherwise it would be tantamount to a lie, because confirming a lie as being true is also a lie.

This cannot be the case, because the world’s existence tell us there is a Creator who is beyond being affected by time – past, present, or future – and this entails Him needing nothing besides Himself means He is perfect in every way.

This perfection negates any lie coming from him, so the words in revelation or the affirmation of the claim of the Prophet (Allah bless them and give them peace) cannot be a lie. This shows there is one omnipotent Creator who has sent the Prophets. [Sanusi, Sharh Umm al-Barahin]

The idea of aliens causing the miracles contradicts these firmly established realities, and the claim itself requires proof that would have to refute the irrefutable. Don’t waste your time entertaining these ideas; rather, do what Allah has commanded us to do: “Remember Me: I will remember you; be grateful to me and not ungrateful.” [Quran, 2:105]

May Allah make us of those who remember Him much.

[Shaykh] Abdul-Rahim
Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Abdul-Rahim Reasat began his studies in Arabic Grammar and Morphology in 2005. After graduating with a degree in English and History, he moved to Damascus in 2007, where, for 18 months, he studied with many erudite scholars. In late 2008, he moved to Amman, Jordan, where he continued his studies for the next six years in Sacred Law (fiqh), legal theory (Usul al-fiqh), theology, hadith methodology, hadith commentary, and Logic. He was also given licenses of mastery in the science of Quranic recital, and he was able to study an extensive curriculum of Quranic sciences, tafsir, Arabic grammar, and Arabic eloquence.