Is It Permissible for a Man to Read the Quran without a Shirt On?

Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad


Is it permissible to recite the Quran without covering some part of the ‘awra, such as not putting on a shirt for a man?


Thank you for your question. Although it is permissible, it is praiseworthy to avoid this manner of dressing.

Imam Muhammad ibn Ahmad Qurtubi says in “al-Jami‘ li Ahkam al-Quran” regarding the etiquette of reading the Quran:

To dress for reciting as if intending to visit a prince, for the reciter is engaged in an intimate discourse; (…). [Keller, The Reliance of the Traveller]

Please see the details here:
Etiquette of Reading and Handling the Quran
Quran Etiquette
What Is the Proper Etiquette When Reading the Quran?

May Allah give you the best of this world and the next.
[Ustadha] Shazia Ahmad
Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Ustadha Shazia Ahmad lived in Damascus, Syria, for two years, where she studied aqidah, fiqh, tajweed, tafsir, and Arabic. She then attended the University of Texas at Austin and completed her Masters in Arabic. Afterward, she moved to Amman, Jordan, where she studied fiqh, Arabic, and other sciences. She later moved back to Mississauga, Canada, where she lives with her family.