What Can I Do Struggling in My Home Town to Find a Teacher?
Answered by Mawlana Ilyas Patel
Can you recommend reliable teachers in Gloucester, UK, for my 12-year-old son? He’s become distant from the Din since moving here. There are no Dhikr gatherings, and most Masjids teach in Urdu. I need help keeping the kids interested in Islam as they grow older.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate
I pray you are in good faith and health. Thank you for your question. Sorry for the late reply.
I would like to advise you that all the mosques in Gloucester, from what I have just looked into, fall into the category of Sunni Muslims. Just find a mosque where they do activities wherein youth are catered to, and they have a solid educational program in the English language.
Alternatively, for now, you can enroll him in our youth curriculum, take each course, and sit with him while he is doing it. Daily live lessons take place; watch and listen to them with your son, insha Allah.
I would like you to go through the valuable answers and links below. You will receive guidance and direction in sha Allah.
Keep in contact with SeekersGuidance for further advice and guidance. We will be happy to guide and direct you in shaAllah.
Related Links
Useful Community Links:
- Masjid-e-Noor: Services (masjidenoor.org.uk)
- Al-Ashraf Nursery, Primary and Secondary School for Girls
- Gloucester Feed The Hungry
- Food Parcel Service for the needy
- Halal Foodguide Service
- MY: UK Youth Club
- The Friendship Cafe
Purification of the Heart for Youth: Diseases of the Heart and Their Cure – YouTube
Live Classes – SeekersGuidance
Why not begin your search for knowledge by signing up for a course on
Youth Islamic Studies Curriculum (seekersguidance.org), like Necessary Knowledge to Practice Islam (seekersguidance.org)?
I pray this helps answer your question.
[Mawlana] Ilyas Patel
Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
Mawlana Ilyas Patel is a traditionally-trained scholar who has studied within UK, India, Pakistan, Syria, Jordan and Turkey.
He started his early education in the UK. He completed hifz of the Qur’an in India, then enrolled in an Islamic seminary in the UK, where he studied the secular and Alimiyyah sciences. He then traveled to Karachi, Pakistan.
He has been an Imam in Rep of Ireland for a number of years. He has taught hifz of the Qur’an, Tajwid, Fiqh, and many other Islamic sciences to children and adults extensively onsite and online in the UK and Ireland. He taught at a local Islamic seminary for 12 years in the UK as a librarian and a teacher of Islamic sciences.
He currently resides in UK with his wife. His personal interest is his love of books and gardening.