How Can I Overcome My Overwhelming Fear of Death?

Answered by Shaykh Irshaad Sedick


I suffer from an intense fear of death at night, experiencing panic attacks, chills, and visions that aren’t real. Despite praying and doing dhikr, this fear persists—could this be a sign of something, and how can I find relief?


In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate. May Allah alleviate our difficulties and guide us to what pleases Him. Amin.

In life’s journey, maintaining a balance between fear and hope is crucial for both physical and spiritual well-being. Excessive fear can lead to stress and anxiety, while too much hope without reverence may lead to neglect. Islam encourages a balanced approach, reminding us that while fear of Allah (Most High) keeps us mindful of our actions, hope in His mercy prevents despair. In balancing these emotions, the believer finds peace, avoiding the extremes of anxiety and heedlessness.

Perspective on Death

Consider viewing death not as an end but as a transition to the ultimate meeting with Allah (Most High). The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “This world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the disbeliever” [Muslim]. For a believer, death is the gateway to the eternal life in Paradise, where all worldly struggles and fears cease. Try shifting your perspective on life by aligning your actions and thoughts toward this journey, seeing death as the only veil between you and Janna.

Practical Measures

For relief, consider incorporating duas specifically for fear and anxiety, such as the morning and evening Sunna supplications found in Imam Nawawi’s Adhkar, Fortress of the Muslim, and elsewhere.

Reflection and Acceptance

Reflect on the mercy of Allah, knowing that He alone decides our appointed time. This acceptance can gradually transform fear into submission and trust in His decree.

May Allah (Most High) grant you peace and ease in your heart. Remember, every believer faces trials, and enduring them with patience brings great rewards.

I pray this is of benefit and that Allah guides us all.

[Shaykh] Irshaad Sedick
Checked and Approved by Shaykh Mohammad Abu Bakr Badhib

Shaykh Irshaad Sedick was raised in South Africa in a traditional Muslim family. He graduated from Dar al-Ulum al-Arabiyyah al-Islamiyyah in Strand, Western Cape, under the guidance of the late world-renowned scholar Shaykh Taha Karaan.

Shaykh Irshaad received Ijaza from many luminaries of the Islamic world, including Shaykh Taha Karaan, Mawlana Yusuf Karaan, and Mawlana Abdul Hafeez Makki, among others.

He is the author of the text “The Musnad of Ahmad ibn Hanbal: A Hujjah or not?” He has served as the Director of the Discover Islam Centre and Al Jeem Foundation. For the last five years till present, he has served as the Khatib of Masjid Ar-Rashideen, Mowbray, Cape Town.

Shaykh Irshaad has thirteen years of teaching experience at some of the leading Islamic institutes in Cape Town). He is currently building an Islamic online learning and media platform called ‘Isnad Academy’ and has completed his Master’s degree in the study of Islam at the University of Johannesburg. He has a keen interest in healthy living and fitness.