Does drawing out the shape of a cross with one’s hand invalidate one’s marriage?

Question Summary

Does drawing out the shape of a cross with one’s hand invalidate one’s marriage?

Question Answer

In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate

Massaging your wife in such a manner that your hands draw the symbol of a cross has no legal implications. Ignore such issues and don’t take the religion to be so harsh and strict.

A cross is a shape. It is found on the compass, it is found in mathematic, etc… The shape of the cross in itself has no meaning.

If, however, one intends the cross to be the crucifix of the Christians or portrays it in the manner that Christians would (i.e., like wearing a cross around the neck), this becomes problematic as it resembles the actions of other religions.

Hope this helps
Allah knows best
[Shaykh] Yusuf Weltch