What Are Some Recommendations on What To Study for a New Muslim?

Answered by Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra 


I am an American revert sister and do not have community connections. I want to continue my studies but do not know which program would be best for me.


In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate

May Allah bless you for your interest in studying Islam!

Though it is best to first learn the basics organically through other righteous Muslim sisters or in community circles, if that is not possible, there are courses we offer at SeekersGuidance for beginners.

Courses Recommended for Beginners and New Muslims

One of these courses is the Absolute Essentials of Islam, the first course of the Islamic Studies Curriculum. Another is the On-Demand course called Introduction to Islam: What It Means to Be Muslim, along with other beautiful courses to take in your own time. We also offer an array of classes live for you to follow each week.

Connect to the Quran and the Prophetic Character

Learn to read and recite the Quran with a teacher gradually, and explore more about the beautiful character and example of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and give him peace).

Balance and Human Interaction is Important

Balance studying and personal development with serving others and connecting to righteous Muslim company when you can.

May Allah grant you success in your seeking of knowledge and lead you to His Good Pleasure.


Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra

Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Shaykh Abdullah Misra was born in Toronto, Canada, in 1983. His family hails from India, and he was raised in the Hindu tradition. He embraced Islam in 2001 while at the University of Toronto, from where he completed a Bachelor of Business Administration. He then traveled overseas in 2005 to study the Arabic language and Islamic sciences in Tarim, Yemen, for some time, as well as Darul Uloom in Trinidad, West Indies. He spent 12 years in Amman, Jordan, where he focused on Islamic Law, Theology, Hadith Sciences, Prophetic Biography, and Islamic Spirituality while also working at the Qasid Arabic Institute as Director of Programs. He holds a BA in Islamic Studies (Alimiyya, Darul Uloom) and authorization in the six authentic books of Hadith and is currently pursuing specialized training in issuing Islamic legal verdicts (ifta’). He holds a certificate in Counselling and often works with new Muslims and those struggling with religious OCD. He is an instructor and researcher in Sacred Law and Theology with the SeekersGuidance The Global Islamic Seminary. Currently, He resides in the Greater Toronto Area with his wife and children. His personal interests include Indian history, comparative religion, English singing, and poetry.