A Reader on the Problem of Evil, Suffering, Destiny, and Allah’s Mercy

“Do not despair of Allah’s mercy.”[Qur’an, 39.53]

The Problem of Evil and Suffering
The Problem of Evil and a Summarized Islamic Response

and Divine Wisdom
Why Do Good People Suffer While Bad People Get Away With Crimes?
Belief in Destiny, It’s Good and Evil
Destiny and Human Responsibility in Islam
Can Supplication Change Destiny?

Divine Decree, Contentment, and Lessons From the Prophet’s Life
Allah’s Mercy
The Reality of Allah’s Mercy and the Divine Wisdom Behind Suffering
Understanding Allah’s Attributes: Love & Mercy
Seeking Allah’s Mercy by Being Merciful
Qur’anic Reflections: Keys to Allah’s Love and Mercy (Qur’an 3.29-31)